Human Centipede: The Beginning

She awoke to the dim light of the wall light and looked groggily around. She was at first startled by her clinical surroundings until she remembered where she was and why she was there., Her tongue slid over smooth gums where perfect teeth had rested just the day before. The absence of her teeth made her remember the rest of the process and flipped the covers back to exposed bandaged stumps where her knees once were. Her legs had been removed at the knee joint.


Her trembling hands caressed the ends of the stumps in near disbelief that she was actually going through the procedure. The nineteen year old woman had thought of ending her life, but never had the nerve. Slavery had always been a strong interest so she decided to find a mistress or master to take control of her life. It was then she saw the movie Human Centipede, which caused her to search for more information. One thing led to another until she found herself feeling the stumps of her amputated legs. The girl knew her life was about to change forever and she accepted that fate.


There were four girls in the room, they could have been identical quadruplets. Test had shown they could have been organ donors for one another. Even their black hair and blue eyes were almost identical. Only one of the four were allowed to speak. She was always referred to as Centi. The other girls were given numbers. When the doctor came in she talked to Centi as if the other three girls didn't exist. They knew the reason, they didn't exist, or at least wouldn't soon.


A week later the girls for the first time were on their stubs with their faces pressed tightly against the ass of the other. The doctor made markings on the girls' faces and asses. Once she was finished the doctor said as she left the room, “Don't touch those markings. Tomorrow you will never be the same again.


The girls slept little that night. They were excited about their new future. They weren't sure of what to expect, only that there had been a new procedure developed. That morning the three girls whose teeth had been removed were told to lay on a table face to ass. An IV was started and and they were soon fast asleep. They were all then placed on heart and lung machines. For most of a day the girls' lives would depend on those machines.


The doctor first cut away the lips of girl number two. Then a shallow cut was made on the lines made the day before. Once the large circle was cut, the skin was peeled away from the lower chin, and to the nose and just an inch below the ears.


A similar cut was made to the ass of girl number one and the skin of the ass cheeks was peeled away. Then a small incision was made in the lower abdomen where the intestine was cut away from the anus. The tube of intestines was then fed through the anus and out the opening. She then made an incision on the stomach of girl number two and then cut a out her stomach. A second incision was made on the lower abdomen of girl number two and her large intestine was cut and fed through her anus.


The sames procedure as girl number two was performed on three, where as on girl four only her stomach was removed. The end of the small intestine, to which the stomach had been attached, was fed through the her esophagus and into her mouth where it was pulled out and then pushed through the anus of girl number three until it was laying next to the matching intestine of that girl.


The large intestine of girl number three was pulled out the anus and then forced down the throat of girl number four. The doctor then pulled it through the esophagus and then fed downward through the body cavity until it lay next to where that intestine was fed through the anus. The same procedure was done to girls one two and three.

The ligaments and jaw muscles were cut on girls number two, three and four until their mouths could be opened abnormally wide. The tongues were then removed at their very base deep in the throat. The area was then cauterized.


A 'Y' shaped surgical tube was then attached to the bottom of each lung of girl number one. The 'Y' fed a single tube was fed down through the abdomen where a small incision was made through which the tube passed and then out the vagina.


Most of the bladder was cut away and collapsed around more surgical tubing, then sutured together and was was then passed through the vaginal opening. The bladder tube was then forced down the throat of girl number two where a 'Y' fitting was added and and then the same done to each succeeding girl until it reached girl four. There it was carefully attached to an intact and fully functional bladder. In time the single bladder would stretch to accommodate all four girls.


An incision was made in the throat and neck of girl number two. The trachea to the lung was severed and the surgical tube from the lungs of girl number one was fed through the severed trachea in the throat and then a 'Y' was attached to the trachea to the lung. All were sealed and sutured and then more surgical tubing was attached to the 'Y' and the procedure was repeated on all the succeeding girls.


A triangle was cut in the side of the small intestine for girl number one and the small intestine of girl number two was grafted to the area. The same was done on the the other girls in the area where the stomach had once been.


Now that all the internal attachments had been made it was time to attach the girls. All the flesh was peeled away from the tailbone where a long screw was twisted into the bone angling toward the anal area. All the flesh was stripped away from the jaw of girl number two where the upper lip had once been. The surgeon drilled a hole into the area that was angled slightly toward the nose. Both the bone of the jaw and tail bone were scraped so that eventually the two bones would graft together.


The face hole was lined up with the screw and then when it was through she attached a nut that was tightened with a wrench. Then began the long slow process of stitching the areas together. The mouth area was first sutured to the anus area and then the exposed jaw mass was attached to the ass of girl number one.


When she had finished, most of girl number two's face was covered except for the nose and forehead. The same procedure was done on the remaining girls until they were all permanently attached.


Nearing exhaustion the doctor retired to her room where she slept for nearly two days. Aids had monitored the creature to assure all was well. She knew that when she woke of her own accord all was well. For the next four days there was little to do other than beginning to ween the creature from the respirator. After so much time on the machine the body often momentarily forgot how to breath on its own. In this case, all the lungs must learn to work differently.


Finally the day came to awaken the creature. The IV's had been pulled hours before and the segments began to arouse. The doctor said, “Wake up sleepy heads, its time to begin your new life.”


All four sets of eyes flickered open and the three girls in the rear began to panic as they tried to breath and nothing happened. The doctor said, “Just relax girls, you must learn to breath together. Pay close attention and you will feel when the main body breathes – then you inhale.”


This clearly worked as the four chests began to rise and fall in unison. The doctor said, “For now it takes some concentration, but in time your lungs will learn and react on their own.”


Girl number one asked, “Could I have some water?”


The doctor filled a glass, handed it to her and said, “Remember you all exist as a single creature now. All together you are to be addressed as Centi. The front makes the decisions for the rest of the body. It is the only one that eats drinks, and decides when to sleep. Of course the rear makes decisions as to relieving body waste. There are things to remember. Centi you are eating for four. Your stomach won't fill until he rest of the bodies are satisfied. The rear must remember you have one bladder for four people. Until it stretches you will need to pee frequently. Your bowl movements will me more often or much larger.”


Centi said, “I'm starving.”


The doctor laughed and two large bowls were put in front of the creature, one filled with large earth worms and the other with spinach. She said, “These are the types of foods a centipede eats and they are also healthy for humans. I also expect you in the future to find much of your own food in the yard. I have some special plants that will meet your needs, as well as lots of vermin that I will be glad to see controlled.”


Centi began to shove the worms in her mouth. Despite having to force herself to keep the vile creatures down, she didn't protest. She knew to never question orders.


The three in back watched and listened and wished they could eat. Despite not having a stomach, they brain told them it ached for food. A simple drink of water would have been the greatest treasure, but they all knew that could never happened again.


After eating nearly a gallon of worms and spinach, and drinking a gallon of water, Centi began to get full. She turned to look at the girls behind and saw contentment in their eyes and guessed their needs had been met. Centi felt her stomach rumble and then released gas. Two minutes later she heard the explosion of sound as all four girl's farts combined into one. Moments later the rear began to shit and piss in the pot that had been provided. The girl in the rear thought the pee and shit was going to flow for hours, but it did continue for most of five minutes.


For the next two nights she slept, ate and relieved herself. There was no totally comfortably way to sleep, but they managed to get on and off their side. Centi wasn't sure how this was going to be handled in the future, for now they were still pretty sore from the procedure.


A month later Centi was walking around with little effort. Since the knees had heeled the creature slept standing with the head resting on the floor or a chair. Breathing had become pretty much routine at this point. Centi had also learned she needed to eat almost constantly to keep her body nourished. Most of her time was spent searching the yard for food. Hunger was an incredible driving force. Despite given a daily meal of worms, she found she needed much more. She found she was eating things never imagined. Lizards had become a favorite, but unless it was a cool evening they were hard to catch.


The doctor shouted out the door, “Come on girl, into the house and into the lab. I have more work to do on you.”


Centi didn't question and turned to walk up the five steps that led into the house. Centi was pleased she rarely had to remind her body to move. The first week had been every uncoordinated.


The special operating table was sitting a few inches off the floor when Centi crawled on. Once on the table it began to rapidly rise. A gas mask was placed on Centi and all the body parts were soon fast asleep. IV's were started in the neck of each segment. One by one the doctor amputated the arms of two, three and four. All the fingers of number one were removed. The docotr had left the arms until she was sure the sutures attaching the parts had healed properly.


The next day Centi couldn't stand at first. The segments had relied on their arms for getting up and down. Now all upper body movement required the legs of the segment to which they were attached. It took some time, but they finally stood. After a few minutes of walking the segments were glad to be free of the arms. This was one less movement about which to think.


During the initial transformation electrodes had been placed on all but number one's heart. There she had placed a small magnet that conducted each time the heart beat. The doctor said, “My goal was to make the body segments rely as much as possible on the head. For the next little while you will feel some discomfort. I intend to synch all your hearts to that of the lead. The system has been in place since your transformation, but the shock was so small your hearts ignored it. I am now going to temporarily increase the charge so that your heart learns to recognize the weak signal.”


She strapped a large magnet over the heart of the lead body. At that moment she saw the fear and panic in the eyes of all the segments. The doctor said in an effort to calm the creature, “Just relax, your body will learn.”


An hour later when all the rear segments thought they were going to die, their hearts began to beat steady, all in synch with the lead heart. When the lead became excited about something all the hearts and breathing rates increased.


The doctor said, “Now I am going to try another little experiment. I am going to blindfold all the rear segments, as well plug your ears. You already trust the brain segment so I don't think this will be hard.”


Once the blindfolds were on and earplugs installed, the third segment thought this is how it should be. She had quickly realized she was just a conduit and a pair of legs. Other than walking, she had no purpose in life. She just walked when she felt the slight tug. The brain end got to make all the decisions. There was no need for her to think. Boredom had been a problem at first, but now she had learned to simply shut down her mind. This was the existence for which she had always dreamed. She even found comfort with her face nestled into the ass of the the other girl. It was as if she had a permanent pillow. That segment, as did the rest, and wondered what it might have been like to be one of the original centipedes where the segments were forced to live off the shit of another.


That night the doctor was about to walk into her assistance's office when she stopped after hearing a voice on the phone, “Yes I have the story of a life time. I told you, $100,000 is my price,” there was a pause and then she said, “Yes tomorrow at noon.”


The doctor stepped into the office just as the phone fell back into the cradle. Suki's face dropped and began to stutter, “It's... It's not what you think, Janis.”


The doctor replied sternly, “This is exactly what I think and you know it. You also know what this means. You signed a waver stating that if you ever broke contract you become a part of the project.”


Suki replied angrily and said, “Screw you, I will do no such thing,” and stormed out of the office. In the next moment the doctor grabbed the much smaller assistant, pulled a syringe from the lab-coat pocket, and jammed it into Suki's neck.


Suki woke the next day in the hospital bed and tried to rub the sleep from her eyes, but nothing happened. She looked down to where her hands should have been, but there were none. The only remnants of her arms were the bandages where her shoulders had been removed. The girl screamed, but there was only silence. Suki knew she had gone through the first stage of transformation for project X. She also knew her legs had also been removed at the knees.


The doctor walked in and said, “Your actions have cause me to move up project X. The other girls arrive this morning. The surgical team will arrive this evening. Suki made wide eyes and wanted to curse, but the doctor had been smart enough to remove her vocal cords. She knew this was her last day alive, at least in her current form.


That evening the doctor stood before a crowd of surgeons and said, “I am so happy each of you promised participation in this project. This is simply too large for one doctor. You all know the work I have been performing. This will be my grandest creation. As you know I plan to create a twelve segment centipede. All the girls have been prepped. For months now sections one and twelve have been going through training and steroid injections to enlarge their hearts. Since our last talk I have changed the design. Instead of having ever other heart removed, I want to remove all except two. The ends can supply the rest of the sections. I believe with the added heart capacity and at least half half of the girls' body removed, this should be adequate. Another change is the head. I have decided that it is not necessary. In the last centipede, blind and deaf test have worked well. In fact, this has seemed to increase mobility. Of course without eyes and hearing, the learning curve might take longer.”


She looked across the room, smiled at the three neurosurgeons in the room, and said, “Doctors Cato, Marvin, and Peterson have come to lend their expertise. We are going to attempt to connect all the spinal cords with cloned material. We hope that with this advancement that someday only the lead brain will be needed.”


Janis began to proceed with the power point presentation to show how the head is removed and the brain is separated from the head material. With the heart and lungs removed there is enough room to cradle the brain mass inside the chest cavity. The pelvis and shoulder bones are exposed and then scraped where they are attached with wires and screws. Eventually the bone mass will graft together much as a broken leg heals. This joint would be stronger than typical bone mass.


She the showed how the ass and neck flesh is pulled over the joining area and then sutured to the back of the shoulder area. The same is done on the chest area. If properly done this should have a smooth natural appearance..


Once the presentation was over she said, “This is going to be a long night doctors. We should proceed. Each doctor went to their assigned patient and began to open the chest and abdomen where they removed the heart and stomach that was the case for their own patient. All the patients here laid out on a long table ass to head.


Carefully eleven doctors began to cut around the neck until the head was completely severed. Saws buzzed as the brain was carefully removed from the bone material. The cervical bone was carefully cut away until there was enough brain spinal cord exposed that the brain could be pushed through the enlarged neck opening. A silicone cap was first placed over the brain to protect it from any body fluids. The diaphragm was moved up to snugly hold the brain in place.


The bodies then were assembled together as had been shown in the presentation. In less than twelve hours they began the hard part, taking the creature off life support and then finding out if the two hearts would support the large body.


Paddles were placed on the two hearts and exactly the same time they were shocked, nothing happened. They were then shocked again – this time they began to pump. The doctors ran to the thigh of each segment and placed a hand on the femur artery. They all look at one another and they were all smiling. This indicated all the segments were getting adequate blood. There was little to do now other than wait for the creature to wake.


Suki woke once again to silence and darkness. Something was different, very different. She began to panic as she realized she wasn't breathing. She wanted to gasp for air, but there was nothing in which to gasp. There were no lungs or mouth. The girl began to take stock of her situation, hoping the surgery hadn't been performed. It was then she realized she didn't feel any part of her head. She also couldn't feel a heartbeat, yet she could feel the throbbing as blood pulsed through her body. Suki knew, since she helped develop this new process, that she had no head.


The doctor said when the head was fully awake, “In honor of my assistant who is the sixth segment, you will be named Suki. Now stand up my pet.”


It was hard to know if all the segments were fully wake, but since the head and tail were seemly alert, the rest should be as well. Janis said, “Stand Suki.”


It took some help from an assistant, but Suki managed to get to her legs, with the other segments having little choice but to follow. Once the creature was on it's feet the doctor said, “I suspect you will end up sleeping standing. There is little likelihood you will fall over.”


She then listened to the heart in the head end, and then the one in the rear. She said, “A little rapid, but otherwise strong.”


For the next three days the creature remained on the operating table where it ate almost constantly. The metabolisms seemed to be working well together. Their bodies seemed to be functioning as one. She said to Suki, “wiggle your left leg.”


The creature did as it was told and all twelve left legs wiggled. The doctor applauded and lowered the table to floor level. Now see if you can walk. At first some of the segments resisted the alien brain controlling their legs, but then relented. The original Suki had been one of those. When she felt her leg move she resisted. It was then she realized it was the head brain controlling her legs. Her mind smiled with some satisfaction that the procedure had gone so well. She was also angry that she had been forced into this position. She also knew it was only her greed that had put her in this position. She also knew there was nothing she could do. She could wiggle her legs, but that was about it. She suspected soon she might totally give up even that movement. She felt her legs walking forward and wondered where they were going.


The original Suki felt grass on her knees and knew she was in the yard. This body was so huge she knew that's where she would spend the rest of her life. The creature Suki said to the doctor, “I have some concerns about eating. Where am I going to find enough food?”


The doctor said, “The area is frequently replenished, but you will be fed a special diet. I have calculated you will have to eat about thirty pounds of food per day. Each day you will be brought a mix of raw beef and vegetables. I have arrangements with the local restaurants to get their scraps.”


At that moment Centi came over and asked, “What;s your name.”


The new creature hesitated and then replied, “Suki,”


Centi said, “I am envious of your body, it's so sleek.”


Suki held up her head a little and said proudly, “Thank you.”


Wanting to now show off for Centi, Suki began walking around the yard. She loved that she could control all the legs herself. Turning was really easy since whatever direction she crawled, her body was forced to follow.


The original Suki thought, as her legs walked of their own accord, why she had left her brain. Maybe it was punishment. She knew the other segments wanted their minds so they could enjoy the experience. Suki would have just as soon been dead than to live this soulless existence. There was absolutely nothing to do other than think. Her body had turned into a prison. Since her brain now rested in her chest, the body was truly a prison for her mind.


Two weeks later Suki stepped on a stone and shouted in pain. It was a moment later before she realized it was not her own leg, or at least one of her original legs. She pressed all her legs into the ground until the pain increased and was able to determine it was the left leg of segment seven.


Suki began to wonder what else she could feel in the rest of her body. She crawled over a bush so that it scraped against her belly. She was able to tell which segment the bush was touching. After a few days of this Suki began to wonder if she could feel her vagina.


She backed against a tree and began to rub. And realized she did have some feeling there. It was then she peed and felt it for the first time. By the time another week passed Suki could feel herself having bowel movements, which she was shocked to realized was often.


Six months later strange things began to happen. Suki began to have memories that weren't her own. She told the doctor about this and the doctor broke out in a wide smiled. Janis said, “I wasn't sure this would happen, but had hoped it might. Your brains are becoming as one. If this continues you will develop a new personality based on all the segments. For this reason all the segments were carefully chosen. Only yours was a dominate one, the rest were very submissive.


With all the brains acting as one, Suki found she could move legs individually. This greatly increased her nobility, now she was able to climb and explore the expansive property. She even learned to stalk small animals and game so she didn't have to return to the house to feed. Eventually she hoped she could be self sustaining.


At first it was hard eating raw game while it was still partially alive, but she found that hunger was a driving force. She was sure at this point there was nothing she wouldn't eat, even a human. In fact she kept hoping to run across a trespasser so she could taste human flesh.


One day she watched a centipede climb a tree and felt jealously. She decided to try herself. Suki was amazed how easy it was. The back part of the body pushed the front part up the tree. With so many legs it was easy to inch itself up the tree. She did find going down to be a little tricky. She decided to tell the doctor if she ever created another centipede it might be nice to have a head on both ends. With the ability to climb trees this came in handy while searching for fresh fruit or unsuspecting squirrels.


Suki found a waterfall that came in handy for washing. The doctor even gave her some shampoo for her hair, which was now almost too long and came close to dragging the ground.


One day while standing in the waterfall she saw a fisherman. It was a teenage boy. Suki thought this might be her chance. The water at in that area was deep enough to hide her body. She walked through the water with only her head above the water and said, “Hi there handsome.”


The boy perked at seeing the beautiful woman and said, “Hi there back.”


Suki raised her torso enough that her bare breasts were exposed, and said, “Why don't you take off those clothes and come join me. I am really lonely.”


The boy didn't hesitate, peeled off his clothes, and dived into the water. He swam to her where she began to kiss him. Suki was enjoying the intimacy, but knew if she kept this going too long the boy's hands would begin to explore. Suki guessed killing a human was as easy as that of small prey. She began kissing the boy's neck and then opened her mouth wide and clamped down on the boy's throat.


Her mouth was clamped tightly to the fighting boy as she walked toward the shore and dragged him onto the bank where in a few moments he lay still. She moved to his thigh and began to tear at the flesh. Soon she had the skin ripped open and was feeding hungrily on the bloodied meat. Suki had been right, human did taste good and knew she would want to feed on more.


Suki fed on the corpse the rest of the day and realized that had it been a large man she might could have eaten for a couple of days, more if she ate the fat.


That evening Janis called a mandatory meeting. In the front row was her sister who was on her own a renown surgeon. She cleared her throat and said, “You know we have had astounding success with project centipede. I have decided to transition into phase four, where as two and three resulted in living centipedes. From the earlier operations I have learned how to simplify the procedure and improve on the appearance. I began phase four several months ago. The head segment has already gone through steroid and heart strengthening.” She paused for a moment and then added, “The head segment is in this room.”


Everyone except Janis' sister turned to survey the room. Someone noticed her blank stare at the doctor and someone ask, “Cindy, you are going to be the head?”


She shook her head and replied, “No, but I'm going to be the second segment.”


Janis said, “Like hell you will. We will discuss this after the meeting. I might as well tell everyone that I am to be the head segment.”


There was a small gasp, but some had long ago guessed that the doctor would someday make the transformation. They had noticed the dreamy look in her eyes as she talked about the centipedes.


The projector whirred on and Janis began to talk as images flashed across the screen. She said, “I have determined the internal organs of the middle segments are not needed. The blood supply delivers all the sections need. Also the segments are going to be much smaller.” She pointed to a torso with the spinal column jutting out where the chest should have been.


Janis said, “I will removed the top half of the torso to leave approximately fourteen inches attached to the hips. With all the organs removed there is plenty of room for the brain in the body cavity. As before the brain will be encased in protective silicone. The hardest part will be carefully stripping away the spinal cord from the spine. Enough of the spine will be left so that it can be grafted to the spine of the segment to the front. This process continues until we reach the last segment. This time I am shooting for realism. The legs will not be amputated, only the feet. The bone will be removed from the legs so they resemble a telson, the part dragging behind centipedes. Once tapered they should drag along behind as in a real centipede. The final segment has been working on creating callous on the top of its legs so they will be able to take the excessive punishment.”


The display change to that of a real centipede. The doctor said, “Since the beginning we have been operating from images from the movie, when we should have been operating from that of a centipede. I believe if we make the legs as closely possible to resemble the centipede, the creature will be able to move much quicker. We have seen Suki climb trees, so the new design might eliminate that, but it... I will be able to move much faster.”


The image changed to the drawing of the new leg design. She said, “The groin muscle will be stretched so that the legs can angle outward. A stop will be added to the hip so the leg can no longer be drawn to the vertical position. Proximately seven inches of the lower leg will be left below the knee. Approximately four inches will be will be removed from the thigh area on every other segment. This should allow more movement since one leg can actually pass under longer ones.”


She took a deep breath and said, “For now I need to keep my arms and face as they are now. I want to continue my work for a while. Eventually I will have my hands removed and arms positioned like the legs and transform the thumb and forefinger into pincers.”


Janis looked at her sister and said, “In my office now. Everyone dismissed. We begin prep tomorrow. All the segments should either be here already or can be here by morning. I will number the segments before I am prepped.”


The dozen people talked excitedly in soft voices as they left the room. Cindy followed her sister into the office and sat in the chair available for guest. Before the doctor could speak, Cindy said, “I am doing it, nothing you say will change my mind. If you can, so can I.”


Janis stared at her sister for a moment and said, “I understand your desire. Maybe at a later date we can make another centipede where you can be the head. I simply can't imagine never seeing or hearing you again.”

Cindy said, “I understand. I will be that with you as well. I want to be number two so that I am always touching you. I will know it's you.”


“Stand up,” Janis ordered.


Her sister did as she was told. The doctor stood, walked around the desk and lifted her top where she then drew a large two on her back. She said, “I never could deny my younger sister anything she wanted. I would also take comfort in knowing it's you behind me.”


Nineteen girls laid in beds in the large room. Janis walked along and drew numbers on the lower backs of the girls. Three of the girls were doctors who had assisted in Suki's transformation. She smiled at them, but didn't speak. All the other girls were volunteers. There had never been a shortage of Volunteers. Janis put a one on her own back and then climbed into bed. She laid back and closed her eyes. There was nothing else to be done. Shortly the head surgeon entered the room and gave her an injection and soon she was asleep.


Hours later she woke and was face down on the floor. Janis tried to roll over, but found it impossible. She found she could not lay flat on her belly either. Her crotch was about a foot off the floor, which stuck oddly in the air. Janis looked around the room and saw her sister in the same position. Only one girl was lying comfortably flat on her stomach. For a moment Janis was jealous, except she knew in the end she had the worst end of the deal.


Janis reached out and took the hand of her sister. By this time in the past there would have been no hand at this stage, but for this procedure there was no need to remove the arms ahead of time.


The doctor drifted in and out of sleep as her thighs ached from being stretched abnormally wide. She knew in time this discomfort would pass. Janis had ordered this position. It would have been much more comfortable on the back, but since she would forever be locked in this position, the sooner the girls became used to it, the better. When the light was on she noticed her sister's legs and thought they were perfectly shorter than her own.


When Cindy saw her sister awake she pretended to be sleeping. She had decided there was nothing else to say. She would never talk to her again after this week.


Janis encouraged all the girls to move around so they could learn to crawl in this position. They all had been practicing for weeks, but after spending three days in this position their bodies became stiff. The doctor wanted it all over. She was anxious to know the feeling.


That day came sooner than she thought. All of the segments were healing nicely. She had ordered her staff to proceed. That morning Janis kissed the hand of her sister and said, “Talk to you really soon.”


All the segments walked onto the lowered surgical table where stirrups to hold the legs had been added. Behind Janis was her sister and in the end was her friend and surgical assistant. Once the IV's were started all the girls fell instantly asleep.


The sister was the first. Once the heart and lung machine was attached they made a cut just under her rib cage. That was then cut away from the spine and put to the side. The skull was skillfully sawed open and then the head was cut away. The spinal cord with the rib segments was slowly stripped way. Once that was done ,all the the arteries were severed and clamped off as the heart was removed. Then all the organs were removed, being careful to make sure all the veins and arteries were left intact to the remaining body parts.


A large section of Janis' butt was cut away, only the muscle and skin was left. The cloned arterial tubes were fed into the open cavity between her legs. They then made an incision in her side so they could work the tube to where it was then attached to her heart. Those tubes would then attached to each segment to insure they received proper nutrients and other needs for the body. They had learned from previous experiments new veins and capillaries would grow between the segments.


Once Janis' spinal column was exposed, her sister was then brought into place where the two were fused together. Once completed it would be as if the creature had a single spinal column. Then a short piece of cloned spinal cord was used to fuse the nerve system of the two sisters. The same could be said for the spinal cord,. It could act as a single cord running the length of the bodies.


The last step was to attached pig intestine to the lower intestine of Janis, which would eventually be attached to the anus of the last segment.


The abdomen muscles where then attached to the closest corresponding muscle of Janis. The back muscles of one girl would attach directly to the other girl's backs. This completed the single long spine. The brain was then placed in a protective silicone bag and then placed in the lower abdomen of Cindy. The rest was mostly cosmetic, attaching the skin so that is best resembled a single creature. There would be a little hump at the hips area, but otherwise the connection was sleek.


This same procedure was repeated over and over until they came to girl twenty, who made up the rear. Her stomach and three-froths of the intestines were removed. The tube running from Janis was then attached to the loose intestinal end. About three-fourths of her torso was left and then attached to girl nineteen as had all the others.


The team of surgeons took an hour break and then removed the heart and lung machine from Janis and then restarted her heart. It started immediately. They checked the blood pressure of each girl and found it satisfactory. The IV's were then removed.


Janis was the first to awaken and she looked backward and gave a weak smile. She patted her sister's thigh and ordered the doctors to lower the table and to remove the stirrups. She found her legs ached more than the rest of her body. Janis said, “Put me back to sleep until its safe for me to move around. My hips and thighs are killing me.”


The head surgeon said, “I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You know that just as well.”


Janis sighed and knew the doctor was right. She laid her head on the table and slept of her own accord. She awoke close to every hour and ate the protein and vegetable mix that had been provided. She then drank what seemed to be gallons of water. This went on for two days and then she began to stay awake longer and longer. She said to the attendant, “This is day two, right?”


“Yes Ma'am,” The young man replied.


Janis said, “I think it's time I tried to walk.”


She tried to step, but none of the other legs moved. She asked, “Are the other segments awake?”

“Let me check, doctor,” he replied and then walked along and slapped each segment until it twitched it's legs.


Janis tried again and saw them all make an attempt, but movement was hard. They had been in one position so long they all found it nearly impossible to move. For the rest of the day each segment made walking movements to try and loosen their legs.


Late afternoon of the next day Janis was exercising her legs when she noticed the other legs were moving in synch with hers. She stopped and they stopped. She wasn't sure if the segments were reading her intentions or she was able to control them herself. She then tried to move only her sister's leg and it moved. She did this going all the way back. They all moved. Janis had a huge grin knowing she had control of her body.


She began to slowly crawl along the floor. She had the staff clear the large meeting room so she would have room to move. Her body was over twenty feet so it took a lot of room to turn. She walked and ate until she fell asleep. She would sleep an hour and then wake to eat. She had never been so hungry in her life.


Cindy was caught off guard the first time her legs moved without her moving them. She had known this would happen, but hadn't expected it this soon. What was even stranger was to wake up and find she was walking in what appeared to be circles. Every now and then she felt her sister's hand caressing her thigh.


No one had, or could know that the segments could walk while asleep. The head was in total control of the body. It would be possible for any of the other brains to take control, but that's why a clear dominant was put as the head.


A week later Janis was moving comfortably around the yard. Her legs had grown stronger and moved effortlessly. She couldn't wait until she was full strength. She could imagine the speed in which she could move.


Suki began to teach Janice how to hunt, or at least tried. When she did manage to catch the rabbits they often wiggled away. Janis told Suki how she hoped to develop a venom that was safe to her, but would paralyze her prey.


After an evening of chasing food and eating lizards and insects she curled around to see if she could see her rear. She was able to make a 'U' shape so she could see her rear, but not come close to touch. She smiled at the sight and was pleased the dragging was doing almost no damage to the calloused legs and lower body. “This had been a good touch,” she thought.


The nights were warm so most often Janis slept in the yard in hopes something to eat would crawl along. She was dozing when she felt her sister. She was sure she could almost hear her calling her name. Janis thought as hard as she could, “Cindy, can you hear me?”


She heard a faint, “Yes.” This thrilled the doctor to no end.


Janis asked, “Are you happy?”


The sister replied, “I am always happy when I am with you. I sometimes miss seeing and hearing, but that's about it. After so many years of stress I am now content and have no worries. You take care of all my needs.”


Janis then began to feel the other segments. She had always had a bit of a psychic bond with her sister. She could feel the rest of her body, but couldn't hear thoughts. Janis knew when any of the segments needed attention.


The next morning Janis went to work in the lab for the first time since her transformation. She wanted to find a neurotoxin from which she could make a venom that wouldn't make the meat uneatable. She had been thinking about this for a while.


After hours of exhausting work, she had an idea. She stuffed another handful of earth worms into her mouth, chewed and then spit in the dish. She then had an idea. She picked up a hand held mirror and used the scalpel to cut out a small section of her saliva gland. She placed it in the dish and then called out to her assistant. Bring me a handful of centipedes. Once she had them the doctor carefully removed the venom glands and dropped a dozen of them on the small slice of saliva gland. She then place a few drops of enzymes and placed the container in the fermentation oven.


The next morning she rushed into the lab, opened the oven,, and took out the dish. She smiled and then began running a series of tests. She pulled a drop of the fluid escaping from the gland and then injected it into a mouse. The mouse quickly froze in place.


Janis held her breath as she prepared the next test where she placed the gland in her mouth. It tasted no different or had no ill effects at all for her. The rest of the day was spent running test, they had all come out amazingly positive.


Janis called the team into the offices and said, “Prep for surgery. I want my left hand amputated below the wrist. Then remove most of the bone mass so that the sloth claw can be fitted so that it looks normal. We have talked about this before. Before the claw is inserted take most of the gland I have grown and place it in the end of my hand so that the secretion will leak from the hole in the center of the claw. I want it positioned so that any downward pressure of the claw will cause the gland to secrete.”


The procedure was done with local anesthetic. The doctor watched intently as her new claw was fashioned. It would be a week before she could try the new gland, but she had no doubts it would work.


As the nurse was bandaging the area she accidentally scraped the claw and screamed out in pain. Immediately her hand went numb, and then her arm. Within the hour she was dead. Janis felt bad for the nurse and knew she would have to have an anti-venom made. The gland had been designed to make a poison that was unaffected by her and her segment's DNA. To any other human it was extremely deadly.


The next day Janis decided to go ahead with the right hand since she knew the venom worked incredibly well. She had wanted to keep her hands for as long as possible, but feeding herself was more important. She wasn't getting enough large prey.


A week later Janis was hunting with her new claws when she saw a wolf drinking from the stream. She walked bravely to the wolf and it did the expected – turned to attack. She slammed her claws into both sides of the animal's neck and it fell yelping to the ground.

She found the claw was good for even more than killing, it worked well at tearing the hide from the animal. Janis ate the entire wolf before she belched and then laid her head on the ground and went fast to sleep.

The end