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Have you ever head of the Blue Whale game? Many think it's fake, but you never know in this world. In this game people are given a list of 50 things to do, such as cutting themselves and doing risky task. The last item on the list is for them to jump off a tall building. I decided to write a story about an even darker game called:

The Black Whale Challenge

Jessie spent a lot of time online chatting with boys and friends. A month before she met Jake, who was at least 30 years old, much older than her 18 years. He was nice, but also dominating and that was the reason Jessie was attracted to him.

That night while video chatting, Jake asked, “Have you ever heard of the Blue Whale game?”

She shook her head and then there was a beep as a link appeared in a chat window. She clicked the link, read the 50 items in the list, and said,” This is really strange stuff. Do people really do this stuff?”

He replied, “I've read that people are doing it all over the world.” He paused for a moment and added, “I want you to do something like that for me. I created the Black Whale Challenge.”

There was a ding and Jessie looked at the new email. She read through the list and looked at her friend questioningly. He quickly said, “You can stop at any point. No one will make you do anything you don't want to do.”

Jessie loved being dominated by her man and thought some of the things could be fun and she could just pretend to do the really bad things. The naive girl smiled and asked, “When do I start?”

He smiled and said, “Now.” He waited for a negative reaction, but there wasn't one. He continued, “Go get a needle and scratch my initials into the palm of your left hand. That will be a good reminder of what you have started and not easily seen by others.”

Without hesitation, Jessie grabbed a safety pen from the cup on her desk, laid her hand flat against the desk with the palm up and carefully scratch the 'J' into her hand. She winced in pain as she finished the first letter and started on the C. Jessie had cut herself in the past, so the scratching was kind of mild compared to that. She also noticed wetness in her panties and smiled.

Jake smiled and signed off the video chat, leaving the younger girl alone with the pain in her palm and the thoughts of what she had promised. She quickly fell asleep and was wakened by the alarm on her computer and the voice of Jake, “Time to get up and watch the video I sent you. I want you to watch it at least 50 times.” He disappeared from the screen as the message ended.

Jessie reluctantly got up from the bed and went to the computer. She stared at the video and saw a nude woman lying on a table with a man wearing a mask standing over her. The man smiled at the camera, picked up a hatchet and quickly cut off one of the woman's fingers. She screamed in pain and horror, but the man ignored her screams as one by one he removed all her finger. He then used bolt cutters and removed each of her toes.

The image sickened Jessie, and what made it worse was the video looked real, not the fake stuff coming out of Hollywood or fake snuff sites. The video was about 15 minutes long and it took her about 12 hours to watch it 50 times. Jessie ate little that day because she was nauseous from watching the video. She looked at the scratched initial in her palm and began to rethink her decision to do as Jake asked.

She went to bed and despite all that had happened, slept soundly,. She woke up as the sun was rising and without thinking picked up the list and looked at the next item on the agenda. It stated that she must make cuts lengthwise on her arm. The list didn't say how many or how long. Jessie could only hope she did enough.

The girl returned from the bathroom with a razor blade and a bottle of alcohol. Jessie smiled while thinking that if she followed the list exactly, she would be dead in a few weeks so there would be no worry about infection. Jessie was far from the point of killing herself so she rubbed her forearms with alcohol. She sat before her computer with it recording the action for Jake and placed the razor blade about two inches from her elbow on the top of her arm and pressed it into her flesh until there was blood. There was no way to tell through the blood how deep the cut was as she dragged it downward about three inches. Jessie ignored the stream of blood, moved the blade over about an inch, and repeated the cut. She did this one more time before turning off the video recorder, cleaning, and bandaging her arm.

The cut was much deeper than she had intended and wondered if she should go get stitches, but she girl knew there would be a lot of questions she couldn't answer. Having cut herself in the past, the pain had been tolerable. She wondered if something was wrong with her because she didn't scream from the pain.

That night Jessie slept little because of her aching arm She looked at the next item on the list as soon as she awakened. The girl smiled, there was nothing to do that day. Her only order was to sleep naked on the bare floor with no cover or pillow for the duration of the challenge. She wasn't looking forward to that, but it was one of the least painful items on the list, or so she thought.

That night she did as directed and slept naked on the bare floor, if you could call what she did sleeping. Sleep was fleeting as she struggled to get comfortable. As soon as the sun rose, she looked at the list and it said she was to cut herself or write “YES” on her leg to indicate she wanted to go farther. Believe it or not, this was a hard decision for the girl. She was torn between the two task. She would have to keep the writing hid, as she would more cuts, but the cuts would be smaller and easier to hide. The cut on her arm was easy to explain away as an accident. More cuts would raise alarm bells with her parents and friends.

It was almost dark before she decided. Jessie went to her room and wrote “YES” in large, bold letters on her right thigh. She sent a photo to Jake and laid down on the floor in hopes of getting more sleep than the previous night.

She was awake when the sun rose and knew not to look at the list because the task was yet defined. Jessie checked the computer and her weary mind almost went into shock as she read the email. Jake wanted her to tell her best friend what she was doing without mentioning him. There was no way she could tell Carrie about this. Even if she never intended to kill herself, what she had already done was enough to have her committed to an insane asylum.

Jessie sat down at the computer to email Jake to tell him it was over, but her fingers wouldn't press the keys. He mind was weary from lack of sleep as she pressed her face against the desk and cried. Before she knew what was happening, Carrie was on the phone. Jessie asked, “Can you come over, I need to talk to you?”

Carrie replied with worry in her voice, “Are you alright? You sound terrible.”

Jessie said, “I just haven't slept much. I want to tell you why.”

Fifteen minutes later, Carrie was walking into Jessie's bedroom and paused at the door in shock as she saw the word “YES” on her leg, the bandage on her arm, and the dark circles around her eyes. Jessie asked in shock, “Were you in an accident?”

Jessie smiled and replied, “Oh no, I'm fine. Come sit on the bed with me.” Once her friend was seated Jessie asked, “You remember that time I cut myself?”

Carrie looked at the bandages on her friend's arm and asked, “Is that what happened?”

Jessie nodded and replied, “Yes, but there is a lot more to it.” She asked, “Have you ever heard of the Blue Whale game?”

She nodded and said, “A little, but they say it's not real.”

“I'm not sure if it's real or not, but I'm doing something like it called The Black Whale Challenge,” Jessie said.

Worriedly, Carrie asked, “Are you going to kill yourself?”

She smiled and replied, “No, I just wanted to play up until that point.”

“What have you done so far?” Carrie asked.

Jessie showed her the scratched initials in her palm, the cuts on her arm, and told how she was sleeping on the floor, the reason for her weary look. Carrie blushed and said, “I never told you, but I've cut myself before. I've always wondered what it was like to really cut myself like you did.”

Jessie looked at her friend in surprise and asked, “Would you do what I'm doing?”

Carrie nodded. Jessie sent Jake Carrie's email address and the next day her friend began the challenge.

Jessie slept a little better that night knowing her friend was going through the same things she was. That morning she looked at the computer and learned she was to scratch a message onto her uncut arm. She was to scratch: “I will die soon.”

Without thinking, Jessie went to the kitchen, grabbed a small knife from the drawer, and sat in the floor. She carefully scratched the message into her arm with the tip of the knife. She only wiped the blood away when the blood blocked her view. Her mind was on everything except her arm. Jessie thought about all he other things she had done in the challenge and wondered why she continued doing them. She noticed her pussy was wet with excitement from the cutting. Cutting herself had always been a turn on.

When she was finished, Jessie sent a photo of her arm to Jake and then another to Carrie. Sharing this portion of her life with Carrie meant a lot to the girl. She wished that her and Carrie had started at the same time, but then she wondered if Carrie's list was the same as her own.

The next two days were less painful. One day she had to write something on social media about black whales and the next overcome a fear. Jessie had always been afraid of spiders. She found a web outside and with her hand shaking, took the large spider into her hand. The spider was terrified and wanted to flee, but she gathered her nerve and closed her hand around the spider, trapping it.. She was so scared the spider might bite her that she peed her pants. But the spider turned out to be safe.

The next morning, Jessie awakened and looked at the list. The challenge was now getting serious. The next thing on the list was for her to cut off her left nipple. Jessie's nipples were very sensitive and a huge part of her sex play. She sat in the floor out of habit from sleeping there and began wondering if it was time to end the challenge.

The girl then began to think about how she would cut off the nipple if she were to actually do it. She thought of a razor blade, but realize she might chicken out before it was fully removed. Jessie knew it had to be quick. She went to the room where she kept her jewelry making supplies and found the wire cutters. She opened the pliers and placed the cutting edges around her nipple. She decided they were big enough to do the job.

Jessie was about to removed the pliers when she let out a blood curdling scream. It was as if her hand had a mind of its own, instead of pulling the pliers away, they closed around the nipple, severing it from her smallish breast. The terrified girl looked on the floor to see her nipple laying in a pool of blood.

Jessie ran to the bathroom and began pressing tissue against the wound in hopes of stemming the flow of blood that showed no signs of letting up. An hour later she looked at a huge pile of blood filled tissue laying on the counter and was happy that the flow of blood had finally stopped. At one point she thought of going to the emergency room, but knew with all her other cuts this might be hard to explain.

She was suddenly tired as the adrenaline left her body. She went to the spot on the floor where she had been sleeping and laid down. For the first time in a long time, she slept for more than two hours without waking up. When she did awaken, Jessie touched her nipples and was then reminded one of her gems was gone forever. She cried until she drifted back off to sleep.

At 4:10am the computer beeped with a message. The weary girl looked at the message which read: “Go to the roof and stay there until the sun rises.”

Jessie had never been on the roof of her house. She found a ladder in the garage and leaned it against the house. Nervously, she climbed in the darkness until she found herself sitting on the roof. She stayed there until the sun came up. During that time she came to terms with losing her nipple. The girl ended up having an orgasm sitting on the roof as she remembered cutting off her nipple. The one thing she wasn't sure of as she climbed off the roof, was how far she was willing to go.

The next day the pain tasks returned. She was to carve Jake's initial into her hand. Because this was going on her writing hand, she chose to only put the “J” because it would take time to make it look like the letter. Despite the pain, it was far less than removing her nipple, which still hurt almost as much as the carving she was doing to the back of her hand. Once finished, she bandaged the hand.

Jessie's hand and breasts were still hurting as she held up the list and showed no reaction. This day she was to watch scary videos and movies all day. She searched the net and found some torture and snuff videos, although she knew the snuff wasn't real, it made her tremble. Eventually switched to horror and slasher movies, of which she was never a fan. She watched them until she fell asleep that night.

The next morning, Jessie had an audio file in her email with instructions to loop it and listen to it all day. This seemed like an easy task at first, but after an hour she became depressed.

In a near whisper the voice in the recording said:
Your life is useless. You don't deserve to live. You don't deserve the nice things your friends have. You only deserve to die. You want to die. You would take your life today if it was allowed. You can't wait for the day when the order comes to kill yourself. You want pain before you die, lots of pain. You only want to eat foul tasting food. You want to die. Your life is not your own. You have no control over your life. You must do everything you are told.

No matter if Jessie was eating, resting, or contemplating her life, for which most of the time was spent, the voice repeated through the headphones covering her ears. By the time she went to bed that night the girl was thinking more and more about killing herself. The girl had heard of brainwashing, but she wondered if it could happen to her. She was suppose to listen to the recording at least 4 hours a day, everyday.

The next day was a cutting task she had never thought of doing and wasn't even sure how to go about it. Jessie was to cut her lip. Because she couldn't judge how much pressure to use, the girl knew she could slice deep into her lip, or not deep enough that Jake might make her repeat the task. After each task she had to send proof that she had completed the task or else it would have to be repeated.

Jessie stood in front of the mirror with knife in hand. She had decided to cut her lower lip, not for any specific reason other than it would seem easier. She pressed the knife against her lip, to what she thought would be the correct pressure, and jerked it quickly downward.

Blood began to stream from the deep wound. She pressed a towel around it and saw just before it disappeared behind the towel that it was nearly a quarter inch deep. This wound should have had stitches, but that wouldn't happen unless she did it herself. Without stitches her face would be scared forever. She was sure of one thing, eating would be a pain for a while. But maybe that was the intent of her cut lip. Jessie already had so many marks that she rarely ventured out of the house.

The next day started out with a painful task. Jessie was to prick herself 100 times with a needle and if Jake, who would be watching by way of the computer, said she had done less, she would have to start over on the the other arm.

Jessie sat down in front of the computer and began counting each painful prick on her left arm, starting just below the shoulder so she could spread the pricks out as much as possible. Having to go so slow as to not lose count made a task that should have taken a few minutes into something that lasted more than an hour. To be sure she reached 100, the girl added 30 or more extra pricks, Once Jake was satisfied, Jessie put away the needle and turned off the computer's video connection.

The next day Jessie wasn't sure how to go about the task. She was to eat something that would make her hurt or sick. In her mind, anything that caused one would cause the other, so that aspect was easy. What she wasn't sure about, was what would she eat? There was nothing in the house that would make her sick. Jessie decided to check out the garbage behind a nearby country diner.

Jessie parked her car and found where they dumped the garbage. As soon as she raised the lid there was no doubt there would be many things that would make her sick. The food on top was relatively fresh so the girl had to dig down to find older deposits.

The girl found a puddle of something that looked like beans, some green vegetable, some kind of gravy, and something that might have been meat. She scooped the contends into a plastic container and headed for home. She sat at the table and almost puked from the smell of the rancid food. Jessie sat for a long time staring at the horrible looking, rancid goulash trying to decide if she should end all this right now. She hated being sick, especially when it involved the stomach.

When Jessie decided to go through with the task she didn't use the spoon she had laid out. Instead, she used her hand to scoop the rancid food into her mouth so that she could eat as much as quick as possible. It took all her willpower not to throw up the first bite. She somehow kept it down and the rest. Wanting to be sure she got sick, Jessie ate nearly all the spoiled food.

An hour later, Jessie was laying in the floor holding her belly. She spent the rest of the day vomiting and shitting. This was the most pain the girl had ever experience. Jessie was sure she was going to die, if she wasn't, she wanted to die. At that moment she almost took the knife she had used to slash her arm and lip to cut her throat or wrist. Jessie wanted to die.

The next morning Jessie was still nauseous, but at least felt like she would live. She hoped the next task was something simple such as sitting or listening to something. To her dismay, it involved pain. That day she was to cut off her right nipple.

She laid back in the floor and thought about the task, and if she really wanted to lose both of her nipples. Losing one was bad, that at least left her some pleasure—losing two meant she would never know that feeling again.

An hour later she found the, still bloody, pliers she had use last time. There was no thought of cleaning to lessen the chance of infection. At this moment she didn't care. Jessie had slept little the night before and not much since she had been sleeping on the floor. It was taking its toll on her thinking. Without thinking, she snapped the sharp edges around her nipple and watch emotionless as it fell to the floor. Even though this removal was as painful as the last one, Jesse was too tired to do more than let out a weak scream.

Jessie nibbled on food that she didn't really want for the rest of the day as she laid in the floor. She had managed to stop the flow of blood from where her nipple had been. The tortured girl tried dozing in hopes she would have strength for whatever task she faced the next day. She had never read the list, Jessie never wanted to know what lay ahead. If she had too much time to think about the task, she might not do it.

Jessie had somehow gotten a little sleep and felt somewhat better since eating the tainted food. She was going to need all her strength for the next task. Jesse was suppose to find a stranger she found repulsive to have sex with. Jessie had only had sex a couple of times and always saw her self as a bit of a prude when it came to sex.

That evening she drove around looking for a bar where older people might hang out. She found a country western bar on the edge of town. She had chosen well, there was no one under 40 inside. She found a grossly obese man sitting at the bar. He had long disheveled gray hair and a long beard to match. As she sat next to the man who was close to 60, she noticed a distinct smell. Jessie wasn't sure if it was from lack of bathing or something else. In any case, it was repulsive.

She began small talk with the man and found he was single, which was no surprise to the girl. Jessie talked him into a selfie with her so she could send it to Jake. She was sure this man would meet his approval. After a few drinks she leaned into the man and whispered into his ear, “You want to go somewhere and have sex?”

The old man looked as if he had won the lottery. He had often watched porn and dreamed of having sex with a girl like Jessie. A few minutes later they were in the back of his van and stripping off their clothes. He said, “I'm kind of old so will need a little help getting junior going.”

Jessie looked at the shriveled penis and rolled her eyes. She had only sucked a cock once and wasn't fond of it even then with a handsome boy her age. She reluctantly took the old, shriveled cock into her mouth and tried all the motions she had read about and seen on videos. It took over an hour for the man to get enough of an erection to enter her pussy. Five minutes later he exploded and his organ once a gain shriveled to nothingness Jessie put on her clothes, thanked the man, and went home, disgusted with herself. She had never felt so dirty.

Jessie was thankful the next morning when she saw the next task wasn't painful. The only thing she had to do was sit under a tree overnight. That turned out to be more difficult than she imagined. It was impossible to sleep sitting up and in the darkness there were bugs she couldn't define crawling all over the body and some biting hard. By the time the sun rose the girl was covered in red welts caused by the bites.

The next couple of days were relatively easy. One day she spent walking around a grave yard, which was kind of depressing. The next was not speaking for a day, which was easy because since she had begun the Black Whale Challenge, she rarely left the house other than to perform a task or to get food. She did occasionally talk to Carrie who was also doing the challenge, but that was about it.

The next task was one Jessie wasn't sure she could do. Because she had no desire to kill herself, she wondered, why not stop the challenge at this point? Cutting off her clit sounded painful and she needed that to have an orgasm. The girl had already lost both nipples which meant her pleasure was far reduced.

By noon she was sitting on the floor with the wire cutters around her clit. She closed her eyes and her hand with a mind of it's own quickly closed the pliers and she screamed in horrific pain as her clit and hood fell onto the floor in a pool of blood. The girl needed to stem the flow of blood, but she was paralyzed by the pain. Jessie eventually pressed a towel between her legs to help stop the flow of blood. For the next two days she had to wear a feminine pad to catch the intermittent flow of blood.

The next day, still hurting between her legs, Jessie went to the backyard and cut a branch from a small tree that was about one inch in diameter. As the list instructed, she began hitting her left thigh as hard as she could. By this time her mind was numb, but she occasionally called out in pain. The next day her thigh was black and blue.

Jessie wasn't prepared for the pain that the next task would provide. She was to burn the letter 'J' on her stomach with a heated, dull knife. Without thinking the girl laid the butter knife on the stove until it glowed red. She touched it to her stomach just below the ribs and screamed in pain. She took a deep breath and pressed it to her flesh and held it there. As soon as the pain seemed to subside, she dragged the knife downward, smoke and the stench of burning flesh filling the air. She had to heat the knife several times before she was finished. Afterward she collapsed on the floor and cried until she drifted off to sleep from exhaustion.

The next task was where she drew the line. She was ordered to kill someone she cared about. Jake had added that Carrie was not to be harmed. The pain filled girl sat that day wondering who she would kill if she were to go through with the task. That would be a hard decision. She decided that person would be Jim Gaston, the boy she had fallen in love with two years before. They dated occasionally, but he never returned that love. Even though it hurt he never loved her back, she didn't wish any harm on him.

Just to pretend, she went and parked across from his house and then followed him as he left. It was almost dark when he picked up Candy Ashton. Jessie followed them to a deserted road where they turned off the car and lights. Jessie could only guess they were having sex.

Jessie had taken a knife with her, just in case, as her mind had justified the act. She walked up to his car, all the pain from her self inflicted wounds monetarily forgotten, and looked though the open window. Without thinking the girl began slashing and stabbing at anything moving. She barely heard the screams and the calls for help and the begging for mercy. Jessie wasn't sure how many times she had stabbed the boy and girl, but she knew one thing, they were both dead.

The month before when Jessie began the challenge, she was sure she would never kill herself. Even a week before she was reasonably sure she would never kill herself. But this changed everything. She no longer had anything for which to live. She had lost most of the areas of her body that gave her pleasure. Her best friend was going to die. The boy that gave her hope for love was dead.

The next day Jessie made her last contact with Jake. She wasn't sure if she was happy or sad. He had been with her at every step of her self-destruction. As soon as she logged of, Jessica took the hard drive out of her computer and took it outside. She built a fire and tossed in the device, along with her phone and tablet. She had been tasked to destroy anything that might lead someone back to Jake. Along with that she was destroying much of her life.

The next morning Jessie found a note that had been slid under her bedroom door tasking her to hang herself just as the sun was setting. She got rope that would hold her weight, fashioned a noose at the end, and hung it from the tree she had sat under that night.

As the sun was setting, Jessie stripped off her clothes, went to the tree, climbed on a chair she had put there for that purpose, place the noose around her neck, and without thinking, kicked the chair away. Her body struggled to live. Her hands tried hold her weight off the rope, but all the nights of little sleep had taken a toll on her body. Five minutes later her body stopped fighting and she relaxed, swaying at the end of the rope.

An hour later Carrie arrived, looked at her dead friend, and sat on the ground a few feet from her swaying friend. Carrie's task for that day was to spend the night looking at her dead friend.

The end.

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